Teenage Crush

God pen down our life with the secret ink of destiny. We can’t fight; we can’t run away, we just have to accept it today or some other day. The mild icy breeze was kissing me softly while the moon shining in the sky to its brightest, its dazzling rays entered the bedroom through the open French window. I was busy chasing my princess in my dreamland, when an unwanted touch wobbled me. I could see my princess on the carriage with the white horse escorting it. I tried to jog towards her, when I heard a whisper titillating my ear, a whisper which was enough for me to get back into the real cruel world where no such princess existed. Sid get up please, I need to talk to you ,Raghav whispered again, as he shook me as wild as he can.
Raghu have you seen the time, its two past twelve am, what’s wrong? I said, as I got up brushing my red eyes filled with sleep, to get myself awake. I need to talk I can’t sleep, Raghav spoke gently. I supported my head on the bolster and mentioned him to continue his crap, as I knew that he won’t let me sleep anymore tonight anyway. Siddharth I am missing Akruti,he stammered. What? Are you crazy? Why are you missing her? There’s no point in missing her dude, you both will be happily wedded couples in the next twenty-four hours, you will be a happily wedded bride-groom, I shot back. Hmm… I don’t know, would you mind listening our story for the one last time? He asked hesitatingly.  I have listened to their story for more than 100 times, I suppose, but if he wanted to narrate me that beautiful story for one last time, I was
ready to stay awake all the night. This would be the last night Raghav would spend being single. He’s my best friend or I should say best of best friend. We wanted to be with each other a night before the most important day in his life. Its his wedding tomorrow, he won’t be able to flirt with other girls anymore which he rarely did, but still he would have his princess with whom he dreamt to live his life ,he won’t be the same friend anymore, whom I could drag the very next place I went. I neared to him, hugged him tightly saying “I am always there by your side.” Chal bhai I am all set to listen to your story again, narrate it for me. He nodded in excitement while few dew pearls shimmered in his beautiful eyes. In addition he began narrating his life, in his voice for one last time. It was seven years back when I was in Ten’th
grade. Raghav Ranganathan was the most popular name amongst the faculties. No, not because I was a brilliant student but because I was the most notorious student, they have seen in their entire teaching career. Well this is what they used to tell me, I was a mediocre student always struggling to score 35% marks in the horrible subject named mathematics. I had my own world full of pranks, a world so care free, a world so packed with dreams of adolescence. I remember once I had played a stupid prank, it was mathematics lecture when few alien as if symbols were being drawn on the board by the professor. I wanted to scream at him saying to stop his crap he was doing over the board. Well, I did that. I stood on my desk and screamed Nahiii… ye nahi ho sakta , apni bakwass band karo, and then acted to faint when numerous eyeballs were staring at me with fright. Poor professor, he still thinks I was going through a nervous breakdown. Dumb people I tell you… I was busy enjoying my prank filled life and never noticed someone, who was going to be an important part of my life very soon. It was first terminal examination when I horrendously failed in almost every subject of the syllabus. However unlike me someone was awesomely excited for the record breaking 96% she had scored. She was Akruti. I never noticed her before the result day, but since that day I knew she was a first bencher unlike me and a total mannerly studious unlike me again. I wondered how did I miss to notice such pretty looking smart girl in my class, may be because she never animated her voice gland in the class. I unintentionally started noticing her every day. Noticing her became my addiction. I would turn restless, the day she was absent. That teenage crush started to bloom by spreading the fragrance of love. Though I was as an extrovert, I did not have guts to walk up to her and start the conversation. But one day fortunately I got the chance to listen to her melodiously sweet voice. It was a free lecture when entire class was playing “Truth and Dare”. I was given dare to walk up to Akruti and ask her , Aunty ji, what’s your secret for the silky shining  black hair at this age? I walked up to her confidently in excitement and before I could utter a  word, she said I hate this senseless, manner-less duffer boy, I can’t bear his sight, If he’s playing, I am out of it. I stood there looking at her, trying to digest her cruel words. What did I do? I never bothered her, I never shared a word with her, then what was the reason of her hatred toward me?  I was feeling trashed, insulted and angry at the same time. I left the classroom and rushed toward the boy’s washroom; I locked myself in and cried till my throat ran dry.The soft corner I had started to develop for Akruti started becoming concrete.  Such a stupid day it was, I was kid, she made me cry insulted me, little did we know the later time we were about to live. She made him cry, for no reason, tears in his eyes, an alone pigeon. He wraps aloud his silent pain; his features are wet in the heavy rain. But one fine day his smile will reach the blue sky. He will leave the pain behind and his smile will fly.


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