Friendship By Chance

#Blogpost:- 49

One of those rare friends that he found lately this year and would like to cherish it for a lifetime. All friends although are strangers at the beginning and some go on to become the heart and soul to each other's joys and sorrows while some just stop in the midway with the thought of having a better choice at hand.

This friendship turns out to be a little unusual in many ways, as both them had no clue of each other and met just like the earth met the shooting stars , a bit of her broke and a whole of him burnt.
Things change and so do situations so one must realise that good and bad is a part of life and the absence of good times makes us realize the importance of good times.
The experience that he carried with himself was that he ha d been through lots and lots of friendship failures and he believed that it's okay to fail than to live an unfilullfilled life full of regrets. With each failure he learnt, he understood what friendship is all about and this time he was sure this will be the one he would cherish the most after so many failures.
No matter how good you are or how competent you are , there comes a moment when you want to give in to failure to let your weaker side heal and strengthen it not go weaken again.
So, let's come back to this " दोस्ती बाई चांस "
It's said that what is meant to be will happen even if you don't have any clue about it. Similarly this friendship feels like the desert has witnessed a heavy rain after years of drought. It gives the essence of how good life can be at times that it might eventually surprise you.
She enjoys to hit the cords of guitar but she also feels to hear the words that takes all her pain and sorrows away to the distant land. She likes adventures but she is knows her limits. She is crazy and one of a kind but most sensible when it's required.
He is a chatterbox on the text typo and she is vocal chord on the phone.
When she speaks , she speaks no other voice should be echoing around but her silence speaks more than a housefull of a  theatre.
What pulls the girl away from the crowd is her willingness to be indifferent and stand by it. People at times like to hide in the crowd and here she is, to always make a mark and stand out with a cheeky smile decorating her already beautiful face.
Adventure is the go to word for her , it's just that she just needs her inner instinct to follow whatever plans she is cooking up in her mind and then if it's a yes there is no stopping , no matter how risky or how adventurous it would turn out to be.
What worries both of them is that their friendship isn't evil shadowed by that mean word called "Love" and hence both always remind each other that they love each other as friends. She loves his voice and he loves her sense of humor, quiet opposite right? As said in the beginning itself that this friendship is not the usual one.
This is just the beginning as there are too many chapters to be added in this beautiful book of Friendship By Chance and I hope you enjoyed reading the first one.


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