रात होते ही आप खो जाते हैं और सूरज ढलते ही वो तैनात हो जाते हैं ।।

The song "मेरा रंग दे बसंती चोला" was being played at the rehearsal of 15'th August at a school.
Every time this song was being played a boy stood up and remained standing until the song ended.
Puzzled by his activity a teacher came upto him and asked why are you doing such drama , 15'th August is still a week to go. The answer given by the student left the teacher in silence. You know what he said ?
He said people keep standing in jagraata and Aarti sung at the temple, to me this song is Aarti and this country my temple so how can I sit and hear this song.
People it's time to bring a change in the society, how long are we going to just morn over a soldiers death and then forget him. A soldier is not only the person standing on the border a soldier in my view are all those who strive to see a country progress and do give their honest service in whatever and wherever they can. If we can fight with the devil inside us we can definitely unite our country as one and so it's my humble request to please try your best to make someone's life better not only this Diwali but everyday and every moment you get a chance to do so.
ज़माने भर में मिलते हे आशिक कई ,
मगर वतन से खूबसूरत कोई सनम नहीं होता ,
नोटों में भी लिपट कर, सोने में सिमटकर मरे हे कई ,
मगर तिरंगे से खूबसूरत कोई कफ़न नहीं होता ।।


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