Random Thoughts !

Sometimes we change and they are no longer compatible with our lives.We lose these people when they change. We should try to move on to stop feeling miserable. It’s just a part of life we have to adjust to! Have faith! Things happen for a reason, we don’t always realize it right away. Whether you like it or hate it, people change with time and you won’t lose people who truly love you, so accept the fact that the people who you lost did not want to be part of your life anymore. Sometimes the people we love are not good for us.
The heart and the brain are always in conflict with each other and so often the heart chooses not to see what the brain is telling us, for our own welfare.  If you do get it back, will it be better than before! that’s the paradox, depending on what lessons and life experiences are attained during the separation, only time can tell, life is a magical circle, where the starting point is the ending point, but it’s what you bring back at the end that matters.
They’re so not worth your tears. Just don’t allow others to take your power.It is seldom about you, it’s about them. Don’t dwell on it, it’s not worth it. Most of the time only those who have never hurt anyone are the ones who get hurt. Those who have the habit of hurting never face such a thing and never learn not to hurt others . Never question your self worth. Those people are very “degrading” and get a kick out of putting people down. When someone compliments us it only tells us about them, not us. It tells me they have an under developed immature character also a selfish self centered character which is more developed.
It’s about how we feel about ourselves. When we feel secure with who we are and accept ourselves as a whole, we will gravitate the one that’s meant for us to ourselves. It’s about finding unconditional love for the self first before we can find it in others. I don’t have a perfect body, I don’t care. A girl who is going to fall in love with me, will fall in love with what she finds in me not with what she sees.


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