It's take courage to take a chance to change one's life

#Blog post 36 Believe it or not it has happened with all of us one's in a lifetime... No, yes , no yes, he was rolling on his bed after the movie he saw last night. He wanted to open his eyes but something inside him was stopping him, so he continued to twist and turn and something strange happened inside him. This is how it goes :- How do you want to be remembered? What do you hope people say about you at your funeral? If you had the time and finances, what would you do with your life? Picture your life with unlimited resources. How would you spend your days? If you were guaranteed not to fail, what would you do? Think about being wildly successful at your dream and how it would change your life and the lives of the people around you. What mark do you want to make on the world? We all have the ability to make a dent on the world. What dent do you want to make? If you could snap your fingers and instantly be famous for something, what would you choose? Or, what wou...