Friendship By Chance

#Blogpost:- 49 One of those rare friends that he found lately this year and would like to cherish it for a lifetime. All friends although are strangers at the beginning and some go on to become the heart and soul to each other's joys and sorrows while some just stop in the midway with the thought of having a better choice at hand. This friendship turns out to be a little unusual in many ways, as both them had no clue of each other and met just like the earth met the shooting stars , a bit of her broke and a whole of him burnt. Things change and so do situations so one must realise that good and bad is a part of life and the absence of good times makes us realize the importance of good times. The experience that he carried with himself was that he ha d been through lots and lots of friendship failures and he believed that it's okay to fail than to live an unfilullfilled life full of regrets. With each failure he learnt, he understood what friendship is all a...