The Untold Friendship

What's the reason for that smile dude? Asked one of his friends in a teasing way. Nothing just ...
Yes , 28'th April was the day when the boy got a little more luckier than yesterday. A facebook random friend request was accepted, of course it was a "she" and the first messages were exchanged over messenger, little low and a little nervous the boy slowly started to talk and in no time he was flying high over the clouds, their friendship started to blossom, he found someone finally who was ready to hear his story without judging him, a million thoughts that were burried deep inside him began to flow out towards her. Now the world seemed a little less harsh to him as he finally found someone may be accidentally but someone who finally wished to heal his wounds by her gentle acts of love , kindness and support. Both had the same background luckily as both were engineers in making one was a crazy CS freak and the other was an hyperactive EE stud. The best part was friendship was growing stronger with each passing day and with each passing day his love for the world decreased a bit   and were multiplied in his new friendship. Days after the two exchanged their numbers and started it all over the addictive WhatsApp. Days and nights the duo were drowned into chats, without realising that sem exams were near.

Sleepless nights, red eyes, faded voices and yes disturbed mind as the semester exams had commenced. Frequency of talks reduced as the books occupied their life. 2 weeks of torture were finally over and was greeted with a loud cheer and then the loss they had incured during exams were to be made up after exams. Bond grew stronger and stronger and now both started to tag each other on posts on facebook. The chats were mostly left unfinished as the eyes took a silent exit without any exit notice.
The best part was he finally found someone who found his true worth and made him understand that not everyone you give importance to shall repay you in the same manner so don't be an emotional fool and start giving importance to yourself before others. He had someone who made him realise that someone is afraid of losing him too.
"A perfect friendship" it was according to him and he wanted it to keep it safe away from evil eyes, thats what he whispered im her ears and to this her laughter made him finally believe that dreams do come true, she made him believe that no force tlcsn pull them apart as she said poles exist in pairs, we will be friends forever she said but only he knew about the broken promises​  made to him and how many left without any notice.
Indeed he finally accpeted the fact that "best things strike you at your worst and when you are least expecting it to happen."
His friend shook him and then suddenly he was taken aback but then he smiled and went out for a walk for it wasn't a beautiful dream but a fascinating reality he had been finally gifted with.


  1. Hey,Awesome writeup.Touched ❤

    1. Hehehhehebe, shukriya unknown vyakti...😜😂😉

  2. A very common fact of this modern era....lonely heart in search of someone to support him,understand him when finds someone who may ve jst acted friendly...finds her to be his gone through many such encounters....but the cruel fact is that was jst a matter coincedence of short term the way interpretation is too good.

    1. Thank you Vikash verma for the appreciation, hope you enjoy going through the other posts too.


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