You hold his hand and he holds your heart

#Blogpost 37 A person who never expresses his love to you , never tries to show his feelings, is always hard and strict , sticks to his principles but the fact is , he is just like a coconut, hard from outside and soft from inside. We write so much about our mom's , we constantly tell her that we love her and she too is reply does show her love, but rarely something is written about this special character in the family, Dad and so today I felt that I should thank this person who has sacrificed so many dreams of his just to see me happy. I heard these lines somewhere and I felt this is what a father is "पिता रोटी है कपड़ा है मकान है, पिता नन्हे से परिंदे का बड़ा आसमान है, पिता है तो घर में प्रतिपल राग है पिता से माँ की चूड़ी बिंदी और सुहाग है पिता है तो जीवन का सार है पिता है तो जीवन में खुशियां आपार है पिता है तो बच्चों के सारे सपने हैं पिता है तो बाजार के सारे खिलौने अपने हैं " He will never say I love you" but when you look back in time and observe clos...